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PEEPS® Pumpkin Patch Pails

A fun treat for the fall, these easy-to-make desserts are layered with chocolate cookie crumbs, chocolate pudding, and PEEPS® Marshmallow Pumpkins.


20 mins


PEEPS® Pumpkin Patch Pails
This PEEPS® inspired creation is courtesy of:
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  • One package of chocolate cookies
  • Six individual snack cups of chocolate pudding
  • Six PEEPS® Marshmallow Pumpkins

Other Materials:

  • Six clear plastic cups
  • Mixing bowl
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  1. In a large bowl, crush the chocolate cookies until they’re in crumb form. Line your six plastic cups up and have your individual pudding packages and PEEPS® Marshmallow Pumpkins ready.

To Assemble:

  1. Layer 1/3 of each plastic cup with chocolate cookie crumbs.
  2. Add one snack cup of chocolate pudding to each plastic cup on top of the first layer of cookie crumbs.
  3. Add another layer of chocolate cookie crumbs on top of the pudding, until the crumbs nearly reach the top of the plastic cup.
  4. Dig a spot in the top cookie crumb layer and place one PEEPS® Marshmallow Pumpkin on top of each cup.
  5. Enjoy!

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